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State-of-the-industry insights

The What Firefighters Want project calls on all active firefighters to share their opinions and insights through FireRescue1’s comprehensive survey that goes beyond statistical exercise to serve as a platform for firefighters to voice their concerns, aspirations and ideas for evolution within the profession. The What Firefighters Want project is supported by the International Public Safety Data Institute (IPSDI) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC).

The What Firefighters Want in 2023 special coverage series explores the root of firefighters’ stress, the impact of staffing challenges, how supervisor stress affects the entire crew, guidance for managing personal and professional stress, information about recruitment and retention solutions, insights into how stress affects the family unit, and much more to help firefighters and officers alike navigate the perfect storm of stress.
Training, communication and safety mindsets show mixed results, but simple steps can set crews on the path to greatness
Departments that regularly conduct AARs are well-positioned to streamline their performance and increase their margin of safety
FireRescue1’s 2023 state-of-the-industry survey revealed some alarming statistics related to respondents’ feelings about the job. Download your copy to learn critical insights into what is driving the perfect storm of stress among many firefighters.
Unpacking the survey data and identifying solutions to address the perfect storm of stress
The battalion chief addresses a worrying statistic about the impact of stress level on firefighters’ day-to-day work
Easy tips for building a personal oasis at home where you can decompress, recharge and sustain your mental wellbeing
How random sampling at the final stage of the hiring process impacted diversity among the ranks
New proposed standards may require significant action to improve safe practices
Is there such a thing as “too old to serve”?
FRCE’s Fire Service Occupational Cancer Alliance spotlighted four efforts to minimize occupational cancer risks
Following the hardest of calls, we hope to always circle back to the positive impacts that we have when we are able to make that save
About the Sponsor: ImageTrend
ImageTrend is dedicated to connecting life’s most important data in the fire, EMS, hospital and emergency/disaster preparedness industries. The company delivers software solutions such as ImageTrend Elite™, Continuum®, Health Information Hub™, Patient Registry™ and Resource Bridge™ to enable fully integrated patient-centric healthcare and public safety. ImageTrend’s commitment to innovation, its clients, and providing world-class implementation and support is unsurpassed.