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Rachel Stemerman

EMS Grants Help

Rachel Stemerman is currently the Quality Assurance Officer for Orange County Emergency Services in North Carolina. She attained her Bachelor of Arts from Wesleyan University and has been freelance grant writing for both the non profit sector and EMS agencies around the country for the past 6 years. While working with Rachel has helped agencies all over the country attain funding for various projects. Currently she is in the process of attaining her Masters in Public Health Policy and Administration Management from the University of North Carolina.

Learn how grant funding can help meet the challenge every EMS agency is facing
Funding a grant application is an investment that grant-makers seek to maximize the benefit to the agency and the community
Before starting your application read these important changes related to equipment funding, position titles and regional applications
The 2015 ECC and CPR guidelines provide an evidence-based foundation for requesting grants to improve out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival
Collect and keep important agency performance indicators in a single document for easy inclusion in a grant application narrative
A workshop on EMS grant writing is an invaluable experience for new and experiences applicants
Look to other health care stakeholders and neighboring agencies to fund performance measurement and mobile integrated health care initiatives
Start on the path to grant success by knowing the facts to refute common grant myths
To respond quickly and effectively to EMS and fire grant opportunities requires a constant level of grant readiness
Statistics can build credibility in your funding request while demonstrating your organization’s understanding of how to meet those needs