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8 things firefighters should demand from your insurance company

The job of a firefighter is unique, and that means insurance that is tailored to your profession

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By California Casualty

You’re a firefighter, which means selecting the right insurance isn’t as simple as dialing up get the point. Your job and your lifestyle are unique, and you need insurance that takes the challenges and risks of the job into account.

Here are some of the key questions and considerations all firefighters should ask when choosing the right insurance provider:

  1. Generous Discounts for Firefighters: Firefighters are some of the safest drivers on the road. Make sure your insurance company rewards you with significant discounts and other perks not available to the general public.
  2. 12-Month Rate Guarantee: Why settle for six-month policy when you can lock in rates for a full year?
  3. Custom Payment Plans: No one knows your budget situation better than you. Look for a company that lets you select your payment date, method, and frequency for maximum flexibility.
  4. Broad Form Coverage: Anyone you give permission to drive your car is covered. If you rent a car, the insurance follows you. Know what you’re getting for your money. Make sure you’re not left holding the bag if you have a fairly routine claim.
  5. Strong AM Best Rating: A strong rating means the company has the financial ability to pay claims. You want your insurance company to be there when you need them most.
  6. Easy Claim Filing Process: Make sure the claims filing process is easy and flexible. Look for claims specialists who can help you 24/7 or offer online filing. You should also understand what happens between claim filing and payment.
  7. Custom Coverage: Firefighters need to know that turnout gear left in a car is covered. You should know that you have survivor benefits should you lose your life in the line of duty. Make sure you’re working with a company that understands all your unique needs. Look for endorsements by your professional association.
  8. Protection Exceeding Your Expectations: If you are a victim of identity theft expect that your insurance company has a service to work with you to restore your identity – for no additional cost. Don’t settle for anything less.

Want more information about selecting the right insurance? Contact us today.