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FR1 Community Q&A

FR1 Community Q&A

“The Question” section brings together user-generated articles from our Facebook page based on questions we pose to our followers, as well as some of the best content we find on Quora, a question-and-answer website created, edited and organized by its community of users who are often experts in their field. The site aggregates questions and answers for a range of topics, including public safety. The questions and answers featured here on FR1 are posted directly from Quora, and the views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of FR1.

Check it out and add your own thoughts in the comments
Check it out and add your own thoughts in the comments
Check it out and add your own thoughts in the comments
Some said they would upgrade all of their equipment, buy new fire trucks or transition their department from volunteer to full-time; what would you do?
Some readers said they grew up around the firehouse, while others remembered seeing a firefighter for the first time at an emergency scene
Some firefighters said they tidied up the firehouse, while others mentioned they use the time to train and study
Which one do you prefer and why? Sound off in the comment section below
The question posed online asked how firefighters put out a grease fire that’s out of control and burns the whole house
Firefighters are always ready to respond, but some civilians often wonder what they do in their downtime
Because the first round of zingers barely scratched the surface of oddball complaints, here’s a second round of doozies heard on an emergency scene