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NY fire and EMS agencies receive equipment thanks to Homeland Security grant

These funds have allowed them to give the brave men and women who put their lives on the live to safeguard the public the right tools to do the job both safely and effectively

LONG ISLAND, N.Y. — The successful application for Federal Homeland Security grant funds has allowed the County to distribute critical equipment to various fire departments and Emergency Medical Services agencies, according to a statement released by County Executive Edward P. Mangano this week.

“My administration has worked tirelessly to support our volunteer first responders and today we continue that support by delivering additional equipment and other resources to various fire departments and EMS agencies,” he said. “My administrations successful application for Federal Homeland Security grants have given us the ability to bolster the protection of first responders while increasing public safety across Nassau County.”

The Nassau County Office of Emergency Management, in partnership with fire departments and EMS agencies, developed a list of equipment needed in the areas of hazmat response, weapons of mass destruction response, terrorism response, mass casualty response, training, exercise and interoperability.

Full story: Critical Resources Distributed to Nassau Fire, EMS Agencies; Result of Federal Homeland Security Grants