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Probe of Fla. fire department grant money grows

Officials look at Orlando Fire Department’s handling of $378,800

By Mark Schlueb
Orlando Sentinel
Copyright 2007 Sentinel Communications Co.

ORLANDO, Fla. — State and federal officials are now investigating allegations the Orlando Fire Department misused grant money.

The city returned $378,800 in grant funds last month, after the Orlando Sentinel and TV news stations reported the city had sought federal reimbursement of personnel costs that didn’t exist. But that hasn’t stopped the Florida Department of Law Enforcement from launching an investigation.

The FDLE has asked to interview two employees later this month, city officials said Tuesday.

“We are looking into allegations of misuse of grant money,” FDLE spokeswoman Kristen Perezluha said.

Perezluha said the state agency is working with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General’s Office, which scrutinizes spending of federal disaster-preparedness money.

In 2005 and 2006, the Fire Department sent dozens of firefighters to classes on how to handle hazardous materials and rescue victims trapped in collapsed buildings.

A federal-grant program offered to reimburse departments that paid overtime to firefighters while they were in class or paid other firefighters to fill in for them.

Orlando applied for $378,800 in reimbursement after submitting lists of firefighters who took the classes and their salaries. But the department didn’t really have additional personnel expenses, because the city paid no overtime to firefighters who attended the classes and did not assign others to cover their shifts.

City officials complained they received scant, conflicting guidance from the state Fire Marshal’s Office, which administered the program.

Last month, Orlando Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Sutton determined the city was not entitled to the money and sent it back. City auditors are now in the final stages of their own review.

“From what I understand, their finding is going to be the same, that there was no intentional wrongdoing by any city employees,” Deputy City Attorney Jody Litchford said. “We’re eager for FDLE to look at these allegations.”

The FDLE has asked to interview District Chief Toby Bevelacqua, who applied for the funds, and Sutton. Sutton was not involved in seeking the grants but did review the matter after media reports.

Robert Bowman was fire chief when the grants were received but resigned that position last fall and became an adviser to Mayor Buddy Dyer. Bowman recently announced he will leave that job, and city officials said the grant inquiry had nothing to do with his decision to retire.

The union that represents firefighters filed a grievance over the grant money, saying firefighters should have been reimbursed for the time they spent in classes on their days off. A state hearing officer will take testimony in the matter today.