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Waterous announces Tellurus HMI pump control system

The system manages fire pump use from a central location, supported by Intel technology

Waterous Company unveiled at FDIC 2014 in Indianapolis the Tellurus HMI pump control system. The pump control system manages fire pump use from a central location and is supported by Intel technology.

Features of the Tellurus HMI pump control system include managing the foam proportioner, operating the water pump and CAF System from one central location on the apparatus and monitoring engine and pump performance as well as intake and disposal. The Tellurus HMI pump also controls wet and dry foam settings.

It has an Intel Atom E3845 quad core processor at 1.91GHz, Intel HD graphics, direct sunlight readability and gloved operation in a water spray environment.

It also operates in -40 degree to +85 degree temperatures, connects to secure networks, Bluetooth, Ethernet and other configuration options. It is designed for shock and vibration.