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RhodiumSE deployed for super bowl events

Brought to you by Incident Response Technologies (IRT).

DENVER — The capabilities of RhodiumSE - a special event incident management tool - were integral in planning and coordinating incident response during Super Bowl week in Minnesota’s Twin Cities. RhodiumSE was utilized by Hennepin EMS and Allina Health EMS agencies for multi-jurisdictional response planning and support a ten-day period that included hundreds of events in multiple cities, counties and sovereign tribal land, all of which drew more than a million people.

“Being able to track and record what’s happening in those different areas...we’ve never been able to do it as easily as we did with Rhodium,” said Kurtis Bramer, Deputy Chief of Operations and Emergency Manager for Hennepin EMS. When Super Bowl events were planned, agencies were able to integrate venue pre-plans into Rhodium and document where EMS resources were staged. During unplanned events, such as protests and impromptu celebrations, EMS managers also were able to add, track and monitor resources on-the-fly.

RhodiumSE’s technology, with layered mapping features, provided command staffs with both a broad level of situational awareness, and the ability to zoom in on multiple locations to track resources and activity status. The tool also gave coordinating agencies, including law enforcement, a critical layer of safety by helping responders track, and if necessary avoid, potentially volatile areas.

This complete, minute by minute accounting of agency activity also made rollover seamless. In large scale special events, timing and planning of agency response is of the essence. “The screen told the whole story,” said Bramer.

This event marked the first use of RhodiumSE features for several agencies. Even with minimal pre-event training, EMS coordinators quickly developed proficiency with the system in an active event situation.

RhodiumSE was developed by Incident Response Technologies specifically for special event incident management. The cloud-based software builds on IRT’s widely utilized Rhodium™ Incident Management Suite and is compatible with computers, tablets and smartphones. As demonstrated during Super Bowl week, RhodiumSE can scale to any event type, from highly localized events to a regional-coordinated response.

About Incident Response Technologies
Incident Response Technologies, Inc., has been providing cloud-based solutions for public safety organizations since 2005. IRT’s flagship product, the Rhodium Incident Management Suite, is currently in use throughout the United States and Canada by Police, Fire, EMS, Emergency Management, Campus Security, and other organizations.

For more information on the Rhodium Incident Management Suite, visit IRT’s website at or call (866) 260-7333.