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How to buy firefighting drones (eBook)

Download this FireRescue1 unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation


Firefighter performance has long been enhanced by technology, but some technological advancements are true game changers. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), more commonly known as drones, are one such technology. These systems allow firefighters to “see” what they cannot visualize with their own eyes and to “go” places they cannot physically access.

Drones can be deployed for assistance with situational overwatch at structure fires, hazardous materials incidents, train derailments, major traffic crashes, wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, water rescues, shark beach patrols, lifeguard water rescues, searches for lost persons, law enforcement tactical operations, correctional facility security, critical infrastructure security, and so much more.

And the technology is only continuing to improve—with expanded capabilities.

This FireRescue1 guide provides essential information for fire departments evaluating drones/UAS and determining how to integrate this technology into their equipment cache.

Included in this guide:

  • Key considerations before buying drones, ensuring you understand your department’s specific needs and the capabilities of different systems.
  • Essential questions to ask vendors, enabling you to gather all necessary information for informed purchasing decisions.
  • A directory of drone/UAS companies, providing a comprehensive list of reputable suppliers.

Download your free copy of the comprehensive “How to Buy Drones/Unmanned Aircraft Systems” guide from FireRescue1 by filling out the form today.