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Stone from Pentagon presented to FDNY

The stone was recovered from the west side of the Pentagon which was struck by Flight 77 on September 11th


Photo FDNY
The stone is displayed in front of pictures of fallen 9/11 firefighters.


NEW YORK — The FDNY was presented with an 800-pound stone from the Pentagon by Major General Karl R. Horst of the United States Army on May 6, 2011 during a ceremony at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn. The members of the military were joined by members of the Arlington County Fire Department, who were first due at the Pentagon on September 11th.

“It’s an honor and a way to express our gratitude and admiration to the New York City Fire Department for everything they did on September 11th,” said United States Army Colonel Michael J. Gould.

The stone was recovered from the west side of the Pentagon which was struck by Flight 77 on September 11th. It was initially 19 feet long and weighed 2400 pounds, but was later cut into three pieces for commemorative presentations to the FDNY, the Arlington Country Fire Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Washington Field Office.

“This stone symbolizes just how much shared sacrifice we have between us — the United States military, the first responders and emergency services in the Washington D.C. area, and the first responders here in New York,” Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano said. “We are bound by ties of duty, and we share a bond that will never be broken.”

The stone is affixed with a Pentagon shaped plaque engraved with the words, “In memory of those who lost their lives and the heroes who responded on Sept. 11, 2001, and in recognition of our partnership and shared responsibility to serve the American people.” The plaque is attached with 11 rivets to represent the 11th day of September. The upper left side of the plaque is intentionally left in rough condition to represent the side the building that was damaged in the attack.

Following the stone’s unveiling; Chief of Department Edward Kilduff discussed the Department’s plans for the stone. “This stone will be put at our fire academy at our military wall under the photo of Staff Sergeant and Firefighter Christian Engledrum. Every day, one hundred firefighters will walk past this wall and see the link between Arlington County, the FBI, the FDNY and the military.”

Republished with permission from FDNY.