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How to buy mobile computers (eBook)

Download this FireRescue1 mobile computers buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation

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Whether you’re driving the apparatus, running the incident from the command vehicle or even working at your desk at the fire station, you want your workspace to be functional. Especially with limited space for mobility, storage or even layout, you need to make sure that everything within your office – or your “office on wheels” – serves a purpose.

For many big city fire departments, computers have become a staple in fire apparatus and chief officer vehicles. But the reality is that many more fire departments do not yet have this essential equipment to help increase productivity and improve performance.

Today’s technology promotes adaptability, versatility and functionality. Laptops with touchscreen displays, tablets with integrated camera components, and even smartphones with location-tracking abilities – today’s world of fire service technology is far beyond what it was when many chiefs started their careers.

So, where do you start? What should you be looking for in terms of functionality?

As you walk the aisles of your next fire conference and meet with vendors, consider how you can prepare yourself to join the conversation in terms of fire service technology and how you can convince your financial stakeholders that your agency is in need of a tech upgrade.

Being placed in the decision-maker seat can be a daunting position. This FireRescue1 How to Buy Guide for Mobile Computers is a starting point. Included in this guide:

  • Key considerations before buying
  • Top implementation considerations
  • Questions to ask vendors
  • Company directory

To download your free copy of “How to Buy Mobile Computers” Buying Guide from FireRescue1, fill out this form.