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Digital Ally Awarded West Virginia Sole-Source Contract and Expansion of Michigan State Contract for Vehicle Video Systems


Digital Ally, Inc., which develops, manufactures and markets advanced video and speed enforcement systems, announced that it has been awarded a “sole-source” contract with the State of West Virginia to supply in-car video systems and related equipment to the state’s highway patrol department as well as an extension of its statewide contract with the State of Michigan.

“These contracts allow all other agencies, spending units and political subdivisions within the states, including state, county and municipal emergency response agencies, to buy Digital Ally’s systems at the same prices and on the same terms as those negotiated with the state police,” stated Stanton E. Ross, Chief Executive Officer of Digital Ally, Inc. “In our experience with similar state contracts, many other state, county and local agencies take advantage of this provision to acquire our systems, since the state police have already tested and selected them over competitive offerings.”

The West Virginia State Police will be purchasing Digital Ally’s in-car video systems, particularly the DVM-750, for installation in its entire fleet of over 500 cruisers during 2014 and 2015. Digital Ally has supplied the Michigan State Police with its DVM-500Plus In-Car Video Systems for the past three years, and the one-year extension just awarded adds Digital Ally’s Laser Ally LIDAR speed measurement systems to the contract.

“This represents the 26th state contract our company has received for vehicle video systems and/or LIDAR speed enforcement products and the 5th ‘sole-source’ contract involving in-car video systems,” continued Ross.

For more information, contact Digital Ally, Inc. at 800-440-4947 (+913-814-7774 international), or visit

About Digital Ally, Inc.

Digital Ally provides a complete line of vehicle video systems integrated into a rear-view mirror, utilizing compact monitor controllers, or laptops/MDCs; compact video systems that may be worn or mounted; a digital video flashlight; and LIDAR handheld speed enforcement systems.