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Survey: How does your department train for residential structure fires?

Please take two minutes to answer seven survey questions, which will help us capture how your department is incorporating residential structure training and tactics


Structure tactic training is a skill every firefighter should have in their arsenal – no matter their rank.

Photo/Stafford County Fire and Rescue

The survey is now closed. Results can be accessed here. Thank you for your participation.

By FireRescue1 Staff

You’ve likely heard the old adage that practice makes perfect.

For firefighters, it’s imperative to not only practice, but to practice until you can’t get it wrong. Structure tactic training is a skill every firefighter should have in their arsenal – no matter their rank.

How often do your firefighters review fireground tactics for residential structures? Furthermore, how do you assess their competency?

Please take two minutes to answer seven survey questions below, which will help us capture how your department is incorporating structure tactic training. We’ll use your answers to guide our coverage and provide the resources you need for generating ideas for training activities and more.