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NM fire chief found dead in fire station

Chief William “Casey” White was found on the apparatus bay floor the morning after working a grass fire


Officials at the National Fire Academy are setting the flags at half staff to honor the fire chief.

Photo/Sun Country Volunteer Fire Department

Duty Death: William “Casey” White - [Artesia]

End of Service: 01/07/2019

By FireRescue1 Staff

ARTESIA, N.M. — The Sun Country Volunteer Fire Department in New Mexico announced the death of the department’s fire chief.

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, Chief William “Casey” White responded to a grass fire in a neighboring county. He returned to the station that night to outfit a new apparatus with equipment and was found the next day deceased on the bay floor near the apparatus.

Officials at the National Fire Academy are setting the flags at half staff to honor the fire chief, according to the Facebook statement released by the department.