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Survival kit: Active shooters

This kit contains a collection of our most compelling articles to help educate, train and prepare you for an active shooter situation.

Two emerging models of rescue task forces and tactical medics offer different, yet more aggressive approaches to active-shooter incidents than standing by until all is clear
Keeping fire and EMS personnel safe in low-probability, high-risk situations like those involving active shooters takes preparation — and a lot of it; here’s what the experts say volunteer chiefs can do to be ready
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At least six people were wounded, including four police officers who dashed to the scene
When teaming with police, fire and EMS need different tactics and tools for both scenarios
Tragedies like that in Roseburg, Ore. can happen anywhere; use these tips to kick-start your MCI planning so as not to be blindsided
Training for an active-shooter event must happen both individually and across multiple agencies
Having been at the epicenter of an active shooter incident earlier this year, Aurora, Colo. Fire Chief Mike Garcia understands Newtown’s hurt
Details continue to emerge from today’s tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
When getting information regarding a particular suspect or person of interest, there are risk assessment details for the medic to collect