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As research continues to emerge, highlighting the importance of coordinated ventilation, firefighters are forced to adjust strategies and tactics. This special coverage series reviews the current ventilation-focused research and offers detailed steps for how to best implement the various ventilation operations – vertical ventilation, horizontal ventilation, positive pressure ventilation, among other tips and tricks to ensure safe fireground operations.

Years of preplanning aided the incident command of an MCI, building fire, technical rescue, hazmat, and terrorism crime scene all in one
From its wooden beginnings to modern ‘smart’ systems, the fire hydrant is a storied icon that represents the evolution of the fire service
Even when fewer hands are on scene, ground ladders must remain a priority
Focus on heat resistance, video quality, durability, ease of use, cost and special features
Amid a revolving door of new members, it can become tiresome to repeat the same training over and over, but we must dig deep and keep teaching
The potential impacts of wearable technology are becoming impossible to ignore
Building agile leaders who can make decisions at the point of action, even in uncertain and rapidly changing environments
In the meantime, we must work with partner agencies to develop a workable plan to contain and move the vehicle
Being aggressive requires a specific set of responsibilities