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Janet Smith

EMS Grants Help

Janet Smith’s track record for business development in the medical marketplace spans over 20 years. Since 1990 as the owner and president of Janet Smith & Associates-On Assignment, an EMS consultancy, Janet Smith has consulted for scores of public, private and primary EMS services, providing strategic business planning, public affairs campaigns, grant applications and proposal writing. She is the author of numerous winning RFP responses for 911 ambulance contracts. Janet Smith is also a distinguished speaker regarding EMS and health care issues. She is a recipient of the President’s Award from the American Ambulance Association.

Grants that fund solution-based programs that solve community problems are here to stay, so now is the time flesh out your big idea
Maximize your past efforts to create a stronger submission for 2014
Include emotional anecdotes and photos on your grant application, and make sure your facts back it up
Here’s some tips on where to begin searching for available EMS funding
Working together is a win-win strategy that adds depth and credibility to projects that may otherwise seem out of reach
Minimizing the time to cement collaborative relationships means using inexpensive tools and maximizing the resources available
The AFG application process demonstrated that true rewards go beyond funding
Funding highlights include equipment, smaller projects, health and fitness and community paramedic training
Funding may be just around the corner, so start exploring options now
If you’re not getting your fair share of funding, it may because you already expect to hear ‘no’