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Wayne Eder, MFI, EFO, DBA

Fire Department Operations

Wayne L. Eder, MFI, EFO, DBA, is a university and college professor who instructs and develops fire service and homeland security courses, and has written over $10 million in successful grants for rural fire districts. He is the former fire chief of the Northern Arizona Consolidated Fire District #1 in North Kingman, Arizona. A graduate of California Coast University with a master’s in business administration and a bachelor’s degree from Cogswell College in fire protection administration, Eder is a graduate of the National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer Program and a certified Chief Officer and Master Fire Instructor. His experience includes structural, wildland, industrial, hazmat, USAR, and airport firefighting and response. Connect with Eder on LinkedIn.

Stay safe and get the contract as a wildland fire contractor with proper wildland fire training, gear and PPE
The possibilities for recruitment are endless for fire departments
Your firefighters and responders need basic communications training, or you are doing them not only a disservice, but you are risking their lives
There’s a number of organizations that can help provide the required skills for you and your organization