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Fallen West firefighter’s father: ‘I will always miss him’

Volunteer firefighter Perry Calvin was one of 15 killed in the 2013 explosion


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By FireRescue1 Staff

WEST, Texas — Four years after the West Fertilizer Company explosion, a fallen firefighter’s father still tears up thinking about the incident.

NBC DFW reported that Phil Calvin, volunteer firefighter Perry Calvin’s father, sees his son everywhere on his property outside West, Texas.

“He helped build everything here,” Calvin said. “I bought that tractor new in ’91. He drove it a lot.”

Perry, who was taking a class at the EMS building in town, was one of 15 killed in the April 17, 2013 explosion.

“You’d give anything to say, ‘Don’t go to class tonight. Something bad is going to happen,’” Calvin said. “Right place, wrong time. After four years, when I start talking about it sometimes I tear up.”

Calvin said it doesn’t have to be April 17 for him to think about his son.

“I miss him and will always miss him,” he said. “He was somebody to be missed.”

The investigation into the explosion is still open; federal investigators concluded last year the explosion was caused by an arson fire. There have been no arrests yet.