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Tenn. cities get grant for farm safety training

Two agencies were awarded $2,500 to train officials for farm safety and agricultural emergencies

The Voice

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A pair of unexpected grants to the Memphis Fire Department and Richmond-Lenox EMS will be utilized in part to train officials in farm safety and agricultural emergencies.

The agencies were both awarded $2,500 grants by the Monsanto Corp. through their annual program, America’s Farmers Grow Communities. In a dual presentation at the Richmond-Lenox EMS offices on March 7, officials for both departments accepted the grants from Mosanto Corp. representatives.

During the recent presentation, Jeff White, chief of EMS for the Richmond and Lenox Townships Ambulance Authority, thanked Monsanto Corp. for their generous contribution, and Gordon and Phyllis Fuerstenau, of Richmond Township, for nominating the EMS for the funding.

Read full story: Local agencies receive farming grants