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More than 140 DC firefighters quarantined after third positive COVID-19 test

The firefighters are connected to three separate firehouses


WASHINGTON — A third D.C. Fire and EMS Department firefighter has tested positive for COVID-19, Chief Gregory M. Dean said in a statement yesterday.

As a result, at least 141 firefighters and EMS personnel are now in self-quarantine, with numbers only expected to grow in the coming days.

At least three firehouses in DC have been impacted — Engine 20, Engine 19 and Engine 32.

Chief Dean also said that several personnel of the private ambulance service AMR may need to be quarantined as well due to contact with the known infections.

For those firefighters, paramedics and EMTs still on active duty, the department has instituted wellness checks at the beginning of each shift to screen for signs of infection.

Sarah is based in North Carolina, where she lives with her son and several rambunctious reptiles. Before taking on her current role with Lexipol, she was the staff writer for the tech website DZone and served as an assistant editor with the rural lifestyle publication GRIT Magazine. Get in touch with her at