Firefighters, EMTs & friends!
We would like to introduce you to the best Firefighter Training product on the market, Rapid-Fire. Rapid Fire is available in a student and a trainer’s version. We have been distributing for over 15 years and have about 50 databases available. Whether for entrance or promotional exams, Rapid-Fire has proven to be the number one tool for quick study. Based on the latest firefighting training manuals, Rapid-Fire is designed by firefighters for firefighters.
With Rapid-Fire study guides you are able to create multiple choice tests, up to 100 questions or chosen randomly from a database of over 1000 questions. You will be able to select any number of questions, from any chapter, and then choose either test or study guide mode. Each question is page referenced to its respective manual. After taking a test, you will be able to select those questions you missed to create a whole new test to improve your knowledge and your test scores. You can also print out the test or study guide you create. The test printout is followed by the answer key. The study guide questions have the correct multiple choice answers marked for your convenience.
Student Version
•Great preparation for promotional exams
•Tests available with or without visible answers
•Test generated from random questions
Trainer’s Version
•Great for instructors conducting training seminars/classes
•All questions available
•Can customize your test to suit classroom needs
•Can add, delete, modify questions
•Can print out tests
•Can be used in a class room setting
Web-based Version
•All available titles
•Available anywhere you can connect to the Internet
•1,000 to 3,000 questions available for purchase
“Your test bank is one of the best that I have come across.” Jeremy Wilson Lieutenant Little Elm Fire Department
Thank you so very much, you have no idea how much this helps.” Jon
“I got my test results today. I scored the third highest written score overall and beat the testing company average by 5 points! The product worked....!” Chris
Is there a title you’d like to see that we don’t have available? Please request it and we’ll do our best to make it available. To place an order or be come a distributor, contact us directly via 979.695.6463,, or fax 979.696.0633.