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Lentry Portable Generator Lights now available in Extra Tall

HAUSER, ID - LENTRY™ GENERATOR & LIGHT FRAMES by J. Neils Enterprises, Inc. are now available with the option of an extra tall “XT” polelight. All complete LENTRY Systems include:
• a Honda super-quiet generator
• a patented, all-terrain tripod LENTRY Frame/Legs
• a telescoping, articulated Polelight

LENTRY Frames and lights may be purchased separately to retrofit, adding all-terrain capabilities to existing Honda EU1000i or EU2000i generators. Standard height LENTRY units stand 4.5 feet high with legs and light fully extended. New, extra tall XT models stand over 8.5 feet tall when fully extended. LENTRY XT units are ideal for illuminating flaggers, scene investigation, disaster recovery and other large-scale lighting tasks in unpredictable terrain.

Ready to carry to remote locations or set up on-the-spot, LENTRY Systems provide quiet, fuel-efficient power and light and are not rendered useless by steep, cluttered, or wet terrain. They offer computer-safe power for running tools and communications equipment as well as light. Units may be set up on hills, in mud, standing water and snow, and straddle obstacles while keeping the generator level and dry. The legs and lights on all LENTRY units retract to fit small storage compartments.

XT polelights retrofit to existing LENTRY systems, with a heavy-duty mounting bracket that allows you to switch back and forth between XT and standard height lights and to store the XT polelight separately from the frame/generator, if desired. LENTRY units can now multi-purpose as truck-mounted lighting as well.

LENTRY Systems provide 25,000 to 35,000 lumens of light for up to 13.5 hours on a single tank, depending on the combination of light and generator chosen. For more information, visit or call (888) 257-8967.