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Gloucester Township receives grant to purchase ClorDiSys lantern UV disinfection system

Gloucester Township was fortunate to apply for and receive a grant from the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice “BJA FY 20 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program” to assist in the emergency responses.

With these funds a new tool was purchased to help our personnel in their fight against coronavirus, which is the ClorDiSys Lantern UV Disinfection System. This industrial strength light contains ultraviolet C (UVC) bulbs that will easily and quickly kill mold spores, bacteria and viruses in the air and on surfaces in mere minutes with a chemical free disinfection process to protect personnel from contracting or spreading the coronavirus that could drastically hinder police protection and responses.

The Gloucester Township Police Department is using the Lantern as another method of disinfection in vehicles, equipment and offices within police headquarters along with the regular cleaning being done daily by our Public Works. This will not only increase the safety of our police officers and employees, but our valued community who we come in contact daily.

About ClorDiSys
ClorDisys offers trusted and highly effective solutions for all of your on-site and off-site decontamination service and equipment needs. Utilizing chlorine dioxide gas, the industry’s most effective sterilant, ClorDiSys can eliminate all your microbiological contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, molds, spores, and even beta-lactams and pinworms. Chlorine dioxide is safe on materials and leaves no post treatment residuals, making it safe to use in the most critical environments.

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