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Ind. lawmaker announces $1.9 million grant to rehire 13 firefighters

The Kokomo Fire Department received a SAFER grant

The Kokomo Perspective

KOKOMO, Ind. — On Friday, June 25, U.S. Congressman Joe Donnelly announced that the Kokomo Fire Department has received a $1.9 million Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant to quickly rehire 13 firefighters.

The grant is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which Donnelly supported in February 2009.

“I’m happy the Kokomo Fire Department will be able to put 13 more brave firefighters back to work protecting the community,” said Donnelly. “This is a perfect example of the ongoing investments in our Hoosier workforce made by the Recovery Act. Not only are these funds putting people back to work, they are investing in the Kokomo community and making it a safer place to live. I’m pleased my office was able to help.”

Full story: Congressman Donnelly announces $1.9 million grant to rehire 13 Kokomo firefighters