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L-Tron signs second NFL city as the Philadelphia Fire Department purchases OSCR360

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PHILADELPHIA — L-Tron Corporation is proud to announce OSCR360 was purchased by the City of Philadelphia’s Fire Department. The department recently completed a virtual training on July 7th, 2020 with L-Tron’s Andy McNeill, an investigative & crime scene photography instructor.

While Philadelphia Fire Department is well-experienced using digital photography to capture detailed shots of their scenes, the Department traditionally used a large volume of photos as part of their investigative workflow. Philadelphia Fire Department plans to use OSCR360 to capture 360-degree images at the scene, and to take full advantage of the software by creating organized, comprehensive case files that incorporate all of the evidence and information pertinent to a case.

During a memorable initial demo with the Department, L-Tron’s Alex Myers had the unique opportunity to respond to an active scene with the Battalion Chief. Using OSCR, the investigators captured several 360-degree photos within seconds, including critical – and otherwise impossible to fully capture – images within a vehicle that had been ablaze. OSCR’s HDR (high dynamic range) capabilities performed exceptionally well in poor-lighting conditions and produced detailed overall shots, including burn patterns and geographic reference. Later, investigators explored the software side of OSCR and learned how the software ties the entire case together neatly and succinctly.

Philadelphia Fire Department is the largest fire department in Pennsylvania, consisting of 63 fire stations across the city. The city itself has a population of over 1.5 million and spans an area of nearly 150 miles. The Philadelphia Fire Department includes divisions for fighting fires, responding to EMS calls, investigating fires, responding to hazardous material calls and more,

OSCR360 is a 360-degree crime scene photography system that captures, organizes & presents all digital evidence. The system is used across the country for fire investigation, crime scene investigation, crash reconstruction, incident pre-planning, courtroom presentation, and public safety training/instruction. The system contains and organizes all digital evidence, including close-up photos, video footage, location data, and more, in one consolidated presentation file.

Learn more about OSCR for Fire Investigators or request a visit to your organization here.