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When to seek a grant for exhaust removal

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Because of concerns about the harmful affects of diesel exhaust, many fire and rescue departments look for grants to remedy the problem. FEMA’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant is one option in addition to numerous other grants, including those from private national and local organizations.

Before looking for a grant, what are some of the signs that your fire department may need an improved exhaust removal system for your apparatus bay areas? These are some of the most common signals:

• Exhaust fumes remain even when doors are opened and fans are used
• Exhaust odor stays in the air
• Black soot stains the walls
• Growing concern about the health affect of exhaust fumes on your firefighters

Fire/EMS departments can rid their firehouses of dangerous diesel exhaust emissions and receive free grant assistance. The program is provided by, which is an independent resource sponsored by MagneGrip. It offers personal assistance by grant experts, including grant alerts (local, state and national), grant writing training, narrative review, as well as optional grant writing at 50% discount.

Grant Assistance information is available at, along with a Grant Assistance form to get started. The grant team contacts applicants and provides help until a grant is found.

For more information about MagneGrip products, including the now standard, 1000° F rated hose, call 800-875-5440 or visit

About MagneGrip Group
Founded in 1993, MagneGrip Group is the #1-rated solution to the health threat of diesel exhaust emissions in firehouses and vehicle maintenance facilities. MagneGrip systems are professionally installed by a nationwide team of service technicians to provide 100% guaranteed satisfaction.

As an American manufacturer, MagneGrip Group is the only company that produces both hose-type exhaust removal systems and air purification systems. This combination of systems provides the most complete protection for fire personnel and it best fits the intent of FEMA and NFPA recommendations. MagneGrip’s 1,000° F rated hose is now standard equipment.