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LODD: Tenn. fire chief dies after medical event at blaze

Fayette County Fire Chief Jason Byrd went into cardiac arrest while responding to a residential fire, according to officials


Fayette County Fire Department Chief Jason Byrd, 42, was responding to a residential fire when he went into cardiac arrest. (Photo

Duty Death: Jason Byrd - [Fayette County]

End of Service: 18/02/2019

By FireRescue1 Staff

FAYETTE COUNTY, Tenn. — A fire chief died Monday night while responding to a residential fire, according to officials.

Local Memphis reported that Fayette County Fire Department Chief Jason Byrd, 42, was responding to a residential fire when he went into cardiac arrest.

Byrd leaves behind a wife and two children.

“What an amazing man you were, Jason! Crazy, smart and funny,” Facebook user Heather Kohr said. “Loved the fire department but nothing compared to the way he loved his wife and family.”