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The American flag is considered a living symbol under federal law. We must treat it as such.
Memorial Day
Jaclyn Arndt of the Homer Volunteer Fire Department pushed herself to compete in “one of the most challenging experiences on the planet”
Firefighters, EMS providers, police and other public safety workers often pursue relatively risky pastimes that can impact their work as well as their families
You KNOW they’ve been drinking, so don’t allow the bystander effect to stop you from protecting them – and others
Nearly one-third of public safety personnel do not get a department-issued face mask, plus other key findings from nearly 4,000 survey responses
Thoughtful station design can help firefighters find stress relief and a greater sense of well-being
Fass leaves a legacy of contributions to EMS health and fitness, safety and readiness
Check out these video clips for the most important words to know when working with someone who is deaf or hearing-impaired
A volunteer firefighter/AEMT relates who is chosen to be guardian angels on Earth
Knowing where firefighters are on this shift and how busy they are can help those running rehab sectors
Changes in pension formulas or medical benefits in retirement have caused those in the fire service to consider early retirement or face dramatic reductions in pensions and benefits.
Browse our gallery of AI-generated Lego fire stations featuring departments from around the United States
When and where to watch the First Responder Bowl, plus a brief history of this unique event
Whether it’s your first time visiting Cowtown or you’re a regular at Arrowhead Stadium, this year’s conference location offers something for everyone
Train smarter and stronger with these fitness tools
From painter’s tape to a post-project wash box, stock up on these DIY essentials
A special “thank you” to all the mothers who double as first responders
Sometimes it takes a national emergency to force us to focus on personal finances
Calculate your net worth, evaluate your cash flow, and develop your strategies and tactics to take action
How to prioritize bills, manage student loans, reevaluate investments and more
From unused vacation time to long-term investments, there’s lots to settle before saying farewell
A firefighter/financial planner explains the three pension payout options and the factors to consider in the decision-making process
In retirement I am able to look back at the career as a whole and past the ghosts of patients who I was unable to rescue