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Town paints curbs purple to support firefighters, police

The purple stripe represents the blue of the police working with the red of the fire department

Longview News-Journal

HALLSVILLE, Texas — Hallsville Police Chief Paul Montoya and Hallsville ESD Volunteer Fire Department Chief Craig Barton agree: When it comes to support for first responders in Hallsville, red and blue make purple pride.

Both the Hallsville police and volunteer fire department have been painting purple stripes on the curbs of participating residents’ homes to show support for first responders.

“The concept came out of a gentleman down in San Antonio who wanted to show the SAPD that his home was a safe location and that he and his family were very much pro-police and they didn’t have to worry about being hurt in that location; he put a blue stripe on his curb. We saw that and loved the idea,” Montoya said, adding the idea was expanded in Hallsville by the fire and police departments joining forces.

Full story: Hallsville painting the town purple to support first responders