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Uniform Stories Staff

Uniform Stories

Uniform Stories features a variety of contributors. These sources are experts and educators within their profession. Uniform Stories covers an array of subjects like field stories, entertaining anecdotes, and expert opinions.

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None of us gets through a career in firefighting unscathed
There is always the chance that something will happen that we have no control over; it’s those fears that keep us up at night
Why did you decide to volunteer?
People have the right to do whatever it is that makes them happy, provided it does not infringe upon another’s right to do the same
Too bad the deckie is a Jake
Everybody stay calm. OK, not that calm
The role, though thankless, is endlessly important.
Don’t just be there for the laughs, but be there for the tears as well
This job has been quite the experience in the short month I have been working
A boy sat on the curb outside, motionless; I walked past him and into his house to find his grandfather, dead.