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On September 11, 2001, terrorists used hijacked airplanes as weapons to attack the United States. Two planes hit the World Trade Center towers in New York City. One plane flew into the side of the Pentagon. A fourth plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field after passengers stormed the cockpit. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attack.

Thousands of first responders answered the call that day to search for survivors amid the rubble, smoke and debris, with 343 firefighters ultimately perishing in the collapse of the Twin Towers and countless more succumbing to 9/11-related illnesses from working at Ground Zero.

Use this resource page to learn about developments in healthcare protections for 9/11 first responders, read the experiences of those who were there and reflect on those who left a legacy behind.

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The Tunnel to Towers Foundation’s mobile exhibit brought the museum experience to the Allen County Fair
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recently revoked the plea deal for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that would have spared his life
After decades of work in the firefighter counseling space, Leto shares what he’s learned about resilience, relationships and the healing power of doing good
Responders with PPE had a dementia rate of 5-6 per 1,000, while those without PPE in high-risk activities, like searching Ground Zero, had a rate of 42.36 per 1,000, the study found
343 FDNY firefighters, plus one New York Fire patrolman, were killed in the terrorist attacks, along with dozens of other public safety personnel
The 12th annual 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Lambeau Field will take place Saturday, September 7, 2024
Record-setting number of climbers raises $110,000 for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation at 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb in Green Bay
From identifying your “why” to studying climb logistics, there are several factors to consider as you prepare to complete the climb in honor of fallen firefighters
Learn more about the history of events where participants honor the 343 fallen FDNY members by climbing the equivalent of 110 stories
Lawyers for 9/11 survivors were denied requests to learn what former Mayor Rudy Giuliani knew about Ground Zero toxins
Retired FDNY Firefighter Bob Beckwith thought he would just help then-President George W. Bush up onto a fire engine and nothing more
Joseph Zadroga, father of NYPD Detective James Zadroga who died of a respiratory ailment related to work at Ground Zero, was struck by an SUV
Firefighter Michael W. Daly was known for being deeply involved in his Staten Island community
First responders will staff the rails as the ship pulls into NYC for a Veterans Day celebration
One retired FDNY firefighter is taking his mission to Never Forget to new heights, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with a banner that honors 9/11’s fallen firefighters
22 years after the terror attacks, the number of the dead related to their exposure while working in the rescue and recovery efforts equals the number killed in the collapses
The CDC partnership with the WTC Health Program raises awareness of the physical and mental effects of the attacks and the treatment
Frank Siller remembers the courage of his brother Stephen and the families the Tunnel to Towers Foundation has helped
Deaths from cancer related to the terror attacks continue to climb as do registrations with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
Victims’ lawyers put on notice to have all paperwork submitted in order to speed up the application process
Communities across the country pay tribute with moments of silence, tolling bells, candlelight vigils and other activities
In the short film “Never Forgotten,” EarthCam cameras capture two decades of change at the World Trade Center site
Officials have now been able to link remains to 1,649 World Trade Center victims
Chief of Department John Hodgens shares his personal experience from the day and how the FDNY continues to honor its fallen firefighters year after year
Understanding the enormity and power of support that comes with being a part of the fire service family
The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation CEO shares his memories from Sept. 11 and beyond, plus the ongoing support for families impacted by tragedy
As 9/11 becomes a historical event to younger generations, it’s up to us to pass on the lessons learned and keep the memories of those we lost alive
The museum is honoring the anniversary of Sept. 11 with a new exhibit, “Recovery and Reflection, Celebrating the 9/11 Tribute”