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Officials to appeal LODD pension to firefighter’s family

Buffalo Grove officials said they aim to overturn a ruling that granted Kevin Hauber’s benefits to his family after he died of job-related colon cancer


The family of Kevin Hauber, a firefighter who died of colon cancer, was awarded his annual salary of $101,000 by the Buffalo Grove Firefighters Pension Board.

Photo/Buffalo Grove Fire Department

By FireRescue1 Staff

BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. — Officials plan to appeal a pension board decision to grant line-of-duty death benefits to the family of a firefighter who died of job-related cancer.

After the pension board declared that Kevin Hauber’s colon cancer was caused by his work as a firefighter, the village of Buffalo Grove said they are seeking to overturn the decision to give Hauber’s widow, Kimberly, his $101,549 salary for the rest of her life.

According to the Belleville News-Democrat, if the decision is overturned, Kimberly will instead receive an annual amount of $76,162 until her four daughters reach 18, at which point she would receive around $60,000.

Village officials argue that there is no clear evidence that proves a connection between firefighting and colon cancer.