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Quick Clip: How to attack the McMansion fire

Lt. Duckworth and Chief Wylie said fires involving a McMansion present unique tactical challenges and that pre-planning is always the answer


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In this week’s quick clip, Chief Rob Wylie and Lt. Rom Duckworth talk about how to attack a McMansion fire.

“There are a lot of unique features to consider,” Lt. Duckworth said. “As these things start popping up around your response area, you can’t just think of them as slightly bigger homes. You have to take an entirely different approach.”

Chief Wylie said pre-planning is the answer.

“Most people wouldn’t mind you going around their house and taking measurements,” Chief Wylie said. “As far as distances for hose lays, using preconnects, places to do ventilation, all of these things can be pre-planned just as you would on a commercial building.”

How does your department pre-plan for these types of fires? Sound off in the comment section below.

The Command Post, a podcast series that features Lt. Rom Duckworth and Chief Rob Wylie, brings expert perspective to hot topics, frontline tactics and leadership lessons that firefighters and officers need to be safe and successful.