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20 signs that you’re a firefighter

You know you’re a firefighter if …


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When do you really know that you are a firefighter?

Is it when you realize that your entire wardrobe consists of station T-shirts? Or is it when you’re the person on that hiking trip wiggling your backpack around to keep the PASS device from going off?

We asked our the FireRescue1 community on Facebook to share signs to tell if someone is a firefighter. Here are some of their hilarious responses:

  1. “If you can tell the difference between a siren on an engine and one on the ambulance.” — Rick McCauley
  2. “If your entire wardrobe consists of station T-shirts.” — Christine Paladino
  3. “You drain your garden hose the same way you drain an 1 ½-inch line.” — Ray Stewart
  4. “You’re asked directions to a yard sale and you give her cross streets and hydrant locations.” — Doug Chilton
  5. “You make a point of driving past a fire station when in a new town.” — Conner Mace
  6. “If you wear a backpack and wiggle around thinking your SCBA is on and don’t want the PASS alarm going off.” — Christopher S. Quandt
  7. “You still have the structure fire smell after the second shower.” — Jared Eighner
  8. “You’re checking for fire hazards at work, home and anywhere you spend time.” — Aly Cat
  9. “If you’ve ever said, “Luke I am your father” while wearing an SCBA.” — Pavel Khatulev
  10. “You know what the ‘Q’ is.” — Jared Eighner
  11. “If you’re using 10 codes on the wife and kids on a regular basis.” — Brian Watkins
  12. “If you have ever heated the same meal in the microwave three times or more.” — Paul Burnell
  13. “You acknowledge people off duty like you would do to dispatch.” — Gianni Valsecchi
  14. “You correct your friends when they say, ‘Oh, look a fire truck,’ and you reply with: ‘That’s not a truck. That’s an engine.’” — Tyler Bettenhausen
  15. “You care more about what the fire station and fire engine look like than your house and car.” — Denise Chadwick Roberts
  16. “You’re always the first one finished at a family meal.” — Sarah Conley Fritz
  17. “If you look for two exists out of every room and check for sprinklers and alarms in hotel rooms.” — Caroline Bruder
  18. “You look at the extrication cut points when you are buying a vehicle.” — Thomas King
  19. “If you measure ground distance by the number of hoses needed to cover it.” — Jill Audet
  20. “You forget you have a first name.” — Billy Moskowitz