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Firefighters around the world show young girl she can be one too

After Hannah Summers said on Twitter that her daughter didn’t think girls could be firefighters, first responders replied with encouraging messages

By FireRescue1 Staff

BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom — A mother’s tweet about her young daughter’s belief that she could not become a firefighter prompted female firefighters around the world to let her know she can be one too.

The inspiring thread began when Twitter user Hannah Summers tweeted that her 4-year-old daughter Esme thought she had to be a boy to be a firefighter, ITV reported.

“My 4 year old came home yesterday saying she wished she was a boy so she could be a fireman,” the tweet read. “When I said girls can be firefighters too she said ‘but I’ve seen in books they are all boys and I don’t want to be the only girl.’ Any good vids/books I can show her?”

Summers ended the tweet with the hashtag #FirefightingSexism, and West Midlands Fire Service was the first to respond with a short video letting Esme know that both boys and girls can be firefighters.

“Esme, lots of firefighters are girls and boys – some of them want to say hello to you!” The tweet read. “We would love to meet you and show you what we do. You can be a firefighter too!”

Firefighters soon followed suit and used #FirefightingSexism to deliver inspiring messages to Esme.

Summers responded to all of the tweets with a picture Esme drew of “herself as a firefighter to say thank you.”

“Incredibly touched by all the responses to my tweet … Thanks for all the fantastic photos of women firefighters - you all totally rock. Esme has drawn a pic of herself as a firefighter to say thank you,” the tweet read.