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This week, hosts Lt. Rom Duckworth and Chief Rob Wylie join forces with Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson’s Inside EMS podcast to debate fire-based vs. private EMS.
“I grew up with fire-based EMS and it offers a seamless integration at all levels of a tiered system,” Lt. Duckworth said.
Kelly questions Lt. Duckworth’s ability to keep up with the ongoing changes in medical care and his department’s ability to serve both entities equally.
“The chore of keeping up-to-date with that knowledge and skill is a full-time job all by itself. How do you do that?”
Lt. Duckworth admits the challenges behind fire-based EMS, but emphasizes specialization is key within departments. However, Kelly says fire-based EMS is often shoved onto patients and questions whether it’s best for them.
“If I can have an EMS service that also, when those fires pop up, then I can pull those guys in and that’s a better bang for our citizens’ buck,” Chief Wylie said. “I also agree with Kelly, because is there enough time to do both?”
Chris points to past situations where fire-based EMS providers wouldn’t let private EMS responders administer patient care.
“A lot of it comes from the culture of the different agencies,” Lt. Duckworth said. “It’s extremely difficult if there’s been a previous culture of animosity and friction, but you have to take it one step at a time. But you don’t let that stuff interfere with the actual patient care.”
Kelly agrees with Lt. Duckworth and says the system works well when both sides of the equation want to be a part of something greater.
Here are links to some of the articles and other items mentioned on the show:
FDNY commish hires first female executive officer
Holy Grail of firefighter tracking on the horizon
The Command Post Podcast: Fire-based EMS mentality, incident command tips
Consultant: Key West Fire Department should run EMS, not private company
4 people you meet on the EMS scene
6 ways for Fire and EMS to collaborate on FP&S funding
Top 5 Challenges Facing Fire-Based EMS
Wash. cities call for fire-based EMS