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Emergency delays updated Iowa firehouse ceremony

Fire alarm call came in Tuesday during open house at expanded Chancy Fire Station

By Dave Vickers
The Quad-City Times

CLINTON, Iowa — It wasn’t a drill. Visitors at an open house Tuesday afternoon for the expanded Chancy Fire Station got to see firefighters jump into action when an emergency call came into the station.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house celebrated the $900,000 project to improve one of Clinton’s three fire stations. The call turned out to be a fire alarm, but no fire, and the crew got back in time to wrap up the festivities.

The city council allocated $700,000, and the city obtained a $200,000 gaming grant to complete the expansion. The station has been remodeled to include three bays. It can house a fire engine, with additional space to handle an ambulance and other equipment. The upgrade also provides extra office space for the fire and police departments.

Full story: Emergency call delays ceremonies for updated Clinton fire station