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Firefighter charged for throwing cop into snowbank

The female officer told detectives that she told him to stop and after the incident he left the call without saying anything

CROWN POINT, Ind. — A firefighter has been charged with battery for allegedly throwing a female police officer into a snowbank last winter.

South Bend Tribune reported that Kevin Stumpe, 38, was charged stemming from the Feb. 22 alleged attack on police Officer Jennifer Zukley.

Zukley and Stumpe, along with three other firefighters, were responding to an alarm call in Schererville, Ind.

Court documents say Zukley was standing near the entrance of the building when Stumpe asked if she knew what a white wash is, according to the report.

He allegedly directed her outside and while there court documents say Stumpe squeezed Zukley’s neck and slammed her into a pile of hardened snow.

Zukley told detectives she repeatedly told Stumpe to stop and tried to resist going into the snow, according to court records. She said he didn’t say anything to her when he left the scene.

Schereville Fire Chief Joe Kruzan declined to comment on the incident and couldn’t comment if Stumpe was still part of the department, according to

Zukley, who has been an officer since 1995, has a pending sexual discrimination lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court against Schereville town officials. The lawsuit alleges all women were removed in 2012 from supervisory positions and replaced by men, according to the lawsuit. She also alleges she wasn’t given the same assistance on calls as her male colleagues.