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How does your department train to improve extrication skills?

Hands-on training allows firefighters to develop the skills needed to be a safe and effective rescuer; here are a few ideas to try out at your department

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We’ve all heard the old adage that practice makes perfect. Firefighters, however, take that one step further. Because we can make the difference between life and death, practice must be done until you can’t get it wrong.

Proper training techniques can’t always be learned by reading a book. In the fire service, hands-on training prepares crews for real-life scenarios and allows you to develop the skills needed to be a safe and effective rescuer. And getting scrap vehicle to tear apart can be hard to come by.

Here are some cutting and spreading training evolutions that our readers shared with us. And if your department has a cool training video, be sure to add it in the comment section below.

1. Extrication training drill with an egg.

Training today. How good are our guys with heavy tools? How about moving an egg from one cone to another using the Jaws of Life.

Posted by Islamorada Fire Rescue Department on Monday, December 21, 2015

Training is important. But it doesn’t have to be boring.

Posted by Miami Township Fire-Rescue on Tuesday, December 22, 2015

2. Jenga with cribbing.

JENGA with Hydraulic Rescue Tools
Posted by West Mead District #1 V.F.C. on Friday, February 19, 2016

3. AVET class. Basic tool operation can be taught in-house, but the class provides better hands-on training.

Vehicle after a dash roll and roof removal.

Posted by Woodstock Fire Department on Sunday, June 21, 2015

4. Auto extrication training drills.

ACFD Reserve Firefighter Academy Auto Extrication Training

VIDEO: ACFD 2016 Reserve Firefighter Academy Auto Extrication Training with Engine 24 & Rescue 24.

Posted by Alameda County Fire Department on Friday, March 4, 2016

The fellas spent the evening training on Automobile Extrication. The objective of the night was to put the struts in...

Posted by Hendron Volunteer Fire Department on Wednesday, October 29, 2014

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