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Implementing fitness standards

By Michael Medeiros

To implement fitness standards, the norm for most fire departments starts with a yearly medical physical. Following medical clearance, departments need to implement the Physical Performance Assessment as outlined in NFPA 1500 — Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety & Health Programs. This will give departments a quick reference to the abilities of their members.

Once they have this type of information, it will be their responsibility to follow up with any discrepancies. This can range from helping members with fitness programs catered specifically to them to even remedial training on the fireground. Any department can easily obtain information on fitness guidelines, dietary suggestions and educational literature from many websites for not cost.

Fundamentals of a wellness and fitness program starts with changing our everyday routine. You need to devote some time throughout your day to your program. That doesn’t mean you need to workout every single day; it means time needs to be put toward maintaining proper diet, and strength and cardio training as well as flexibility exercises.