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Reeves DRASH Shelters Aid Responders During California Wildfires

In late October last year, some 24 fires consumed over 516,000 acres from Santa Barbara to San Diego County, California, devastating wildlife and leaving tens of thousands Americans homeless.

In response, more than 1,500 National Guard Citizen-Soldiers and Airmen stepped in to assist civilian authorities with firefighting efforts, doing everything from putting out fires (literally) to security and public affairs. With the National Guard, came the Guard’s Reeves DRASH shelters, trailers and ancillary equipment to act as headquarter facilities, grievance shelters and security hubs. Their hassle-free, quick erect/strike structure and durable design allowed the Guard to focus on doing what they do best – responding professionally and compassionately.

The emergency command posts were also used by FEMA and San Diego County employees at Qualcomm Stadium as volunteer headquarters and a FEMA Command Center.