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Boston firefighter’s helmet stolen from fire truck

Firefighter Brian Carey said he knows the chances of someone returning his helmet are slim, but he’s not giving up hope

CBS Boston

BOSTON — Boston firefighter Brian Carey says a firefighter’s helmet is a badge of honor. “It is literally part of you. It’s gone where you’ve gone,” Carey said.

Carey says a year ago someone stole his leather helmet which he had hidden underneath his coat in the back of his fire truck. “It’s your identity and history of your whole career on this job. Every fire I’ve gone and incident I went to. I’ve earned everything when it comes to the damage on that helmet,” he said.

Carey recently took to social media asking anyone whose seen his helmet to please return it. “This is irreplaceable. They don’t make this helmet anymore,” Brian said.

Full story: Boston Firefighter’s Helmet Stolen From Truck