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Calif. FF goes into ‘dad mode’ to calm little girl dropped off at station

The little girl reminded Firefighter Chris Leisly of his own children and said that moments like these are why he became a firefighter

By FireRescue1 Staff

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — When a little girl was dropped off at the fire station, a Sacramento firefighter described going into “dad mode” to calm her down.

According to ABC 10, a man dropped off a little girl at the Sacramento Fire Department, stating that an unknown Hispanic woman left the child with him. Firefighter Chris Leisey immediately started to comfort the girl until she calmed down.

“She was very scared – crying frantically,” Leisey said. “It took a good 20 to 30 minutes to get her calmed down, but after she just kind of curled up on me and eventually went to sleep that night.”

The little girl reminded him of his own children and said that moments like these are why he became a firefighter.

“It’s not always structure fires and car wrecks,” Leisey said. “Sometimes the biggest difference you can make for somebody is being there to hug them and be a shoulder to fall asleep on.”

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s office is investigating the incident. They are also working to confirm that the woman that came forward to claim the child as her own is indeed the biological mother.