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Jason Patton: ‘I’m not making fun of people!’

The firefighter-influencer shares his love of making videos and poking fun of the industry – but mostly himself

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Jason Patton loves talking to people, even if it wasn’t always easy for him. The first firefighter-influencer of the YouTube viral video era explains his initial struggles with public speaking – the ultimate example of getting out of your comfort zone to make great things happen (think Fire Department Chronicles, among many other great ventures). That’s why we’re returning to Patton’s show this week, not only because it’s one of our most popular episodes of all time, but because the messages are vital for new and long-time listeners alike.

Plus, we get into all this:

  • His best advice for firefighters getting into the social media space
  • How he chooses his passion projects
  • “Micro-dosing happiness” and his go-to stress reliever
  • Don’t miss: The story of his first attempt to teach a CPR class
  • Episode power quote: “I love naps, bro.”

Resources we mentioned on the show

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