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Firefighters rescue toddler from claw machine

Fairhope Fire Department firefighters rescued 2-year-old Ezra after she crawled inside a claw machine filled with toys

By FireRescue1 Staff

FAIRHOPE, Ala. — A fire department crew rescued a curious toddler from a claw machine.

KELO reported that Fairhope Fire Department firefighters responded to a restaurant after 2-year-old Ezra Ingersoll crawled into a claw machine filled with toys and became stuck.

The restaurant did not have keys to the machine, so firefighters had to take it apart to get the toddler out.

“Just in case anyone is wondering what was happening tonight [with] the police and fire department, it was my kid. He is out and ok now but freaked his momma out!” Ezra’s mom Kelsey posted on Facebook.