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How to support the public safety education campaign

Fire departments worldwide are experiencing an increase of fire incidents involving lithium-ion battery (LIB)-powered devices. As these devices become more prevalent in use, we are seeing more related injuries and deaths.

UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute has launched a public safety education campaign to amplify preventative and protective measures that the public can take to mitigate the risks of LIB-powered devices going into thermal runaway.

A key objective of the campaign is to educate the fire service on the fire dynamics of LIB fires so they are comfortable educating their communities and aware of the operational best practices to extinguish these fires.

The fire service must get ahead of the lithium-ion battery threat before more lives are lost due to lack of education and response training
Much like the individuals going into a blind date, firefighters should gather as much information as possible about Li-ion battery fires prior to response
The fire service’s trusted voice and unique insight can engage all stakeholders in understanding the associated risks
The guide shares strategies to mitigate the risks associated with lithium-ion battery fires
Educating the fire service and public on how to prevent and mitigate fires involving lithium-ion batteries
The toolkit provides fact sheets and resources that can be downloaded for free, co-branded and disseminated to your community
UL’s FSRI Fire Safety Academy shares free online training course on energy story systems
The fire service is uniquely positioned to lead the transition to more electric devices in our homes, workplaces and community as a whole
The event underscored the need for additional research, plus enhanced training and situational awareness, related to this hazard
The course offers insights into how hazards develop during lithium-ion battery incidents, plus strategies firefighters can use to mitigate the risks