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Check out the FireRescue1 podcast resource center, featuring industry-specific podcasts tackling everything from fireground operations, safety tactics, leadership, recruitment, training and more, including our exclusive show, Better Every Shift, hosted by Aaron Zamzow and Janelle Foskett, FireRescue1’s editor-in-chief.

The Eugene Springfield (Oregon) Fire battalion chief details the importance of a shared vision of learning and training at every organization
The CEO of the Spartan endurance sports brand wants to help 100 million people get fit – now 101 million with his offer of a free race for all firefighters
The president of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network – who just worked the Super Bowl – considers similarities between preparing for big events and preventing the Big C
The risk management expert says too many firefighters are unaware of the issues facing the entire industry
The IPSDI CEO argues that labeling firefighters by arbitrary birth years is unfair, too convenient and shortchanges the conversation around individuality
The battalion chief addresses a worrying statistic about the impact of stress level on firefighters’ day-to-day work
The chief urges firefighters to quit wishing for a better situation and take action to develop future leaders
Firefighter-Paramedic Mike Anderson shares what it was like having his work life chronicled for NBC’s new show – and the playful razzing that followed
The chief details the biggest firefighter health and wellness risks and offers simple ways to build accountability
The Indianapolis battalion chief highlights the power of company officers to quash negativity
The IFSI director – who is also responsible for unleashing Zam on the world – highlights how to stay engaged and current in your learning
The battalion chief talks passion for the job, fighting complacency, empowering your leaders, and the difference between being right and being effective
Keith Stakes and Craig Weinschenk detail new FSRI research focused on search and rescue tactics in single-story single-family residential structures