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Rick Markley

Editor’s Note

Rick Markley is the former editor-in-chief of FireRescue1 and Fire Chief, a volunteer firefighter and fire investigator. He serves on the board of directors of and is actively involved with the International Fire Relief Mission, a humanitarian aid organization that delivers unused fire and EMS equipment to firefighters in developing countries. He holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and a master’s of fine arts. He has logged more than 15 years as an editor-in-chief and written numerous articles on firefighting. He can be reached at

Many private sector businesses are taking complex data and distilling it into an accurate predictor of future needs; it’s something the fire service may embrace
As first on scene from the outside, firefighters and medics have an important role in stopping nursing home abuse
An in-depth examination into the department’s communication and culture following Nicole Mittendorff’s suicide holds lessons for all departments
In a tense and fluid situation, responders who lose sight of the primary objective put everyone at risk
The state is combining reward and punishment incentives and including aspects of public safety beyond fire
Moving past the cringes and gee-whiz reactions of the flying-over-water firefighter can make the fire service safer
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a time to reflect on our fire service diversity situation and take the necessary steps to improve it
The fire service doesn’t come free and now is the time to remind newly elected or re-elected officials of that fact
There are three early takeaways all fire and EMS departments can learn from in this mass-shooting incident
Here’s a quick look at some of the things that went wrong and how they can be prevented elsewhere