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Firefighters team up with beachgoers to save beached manatees

Nearly a dozen Good Samaritans stepped up to help the firefighters push the manatees into the Gulf of Mexico

By FireRescue1 Staff

CLEARWATER, Fla. — Beachgoers helped firefighters rescue a group of beached manatees Wednesday afternoon.

NBC Miami reported that almost a dozen Good Samaritans of all ages helped Clearwater Fire and Rescue Department slowly push three manatees back into the Gulf of Mexico. The firefighters said up to seven manatees were originally beached, but by the time they arrived only three were still there.

“The manatees may have been pushed ashore from the shallow water because of high winds and waves that had moved through the area shortly after 3 this afternoon,” the department posted on Facebook.

“A great job was done by all -- firefighters and members of the public who teamed up to return the manatees to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.”